(KAME-snap 8790) Re: Weird memory exhaustion with FreeBSD
Pekka Savola
pekkas at netcore.fi
Fri Sep 24 01:51:15 PDT 2004
On Fri, 24 Sep 2004, JINMEI Tatuya / [ISO-2022-JP] $B?@L at C#:H(B wrote:
> >>>>> On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 15:03:47 +0300 (EEST),
> >>>>> Pekka Savola <pekkas at netcore.fi> said:
> > After the system has been up for a while (a couple of weeks) and/or
> > the ethernet link has gone up/down for some time (I suspect this is
> > related to the Neighbor Discovery cache contents), I get dmesg errors
> > like:
> Could you also provide the result of "vmstat -m"? The difference
> between the result of the stable state and that of the exhausted state
> may also help.
Thanks for interest, Jinmei. Hopefully these will be useful.
Attached (-wrk is done just after a reboot) is a comparison. In -brk,
I didn't (at least yet) see nd6_lookup errors in dmesg, but ifconfig
doesn't work at least.
Pekka Savola "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings
-------------- next part --------------
Memory statistics by bucket size
Size In Use Free Requests HighWater Couldfree
16 363 149 2854 1280 0
32 330 54 879 640 0
64 2196 44 5165 320 0
128 1437 3 2791 160 0
256 1511 9 2062 80 0
512 64 8 562 40 0
1K 49 3 147 20 0
2K 24 0 38 10 0
4K 16 1 49 5 0
8K 3 0 3 5 0
16K 15 0 19 5 0
32K 2 0 2 5 0
128K 1 0 1 5 0
512K 0 0 2 5 0
Memory usage type by bucket size
Size Type(s)
16 uc_devlist, nexusdev, p1003.1b, proc-args, key mgmt, ip6_moptions,
Ip6Fw/Ip6Acct, routetbl, ether_multi, vnodes, mount, pcb, soname,
tag, kld, ATA generic, MD disk, rman, bus, sysctl, temp, devbuf,
32 atkbddev, linux, indirdep, bmsafemap, newblk, proc-args, in_multi,
routetbl, ether_multi, ifaddr, BPF, vnodes, cluster_save buffer, pcb,
soname, sigio, kld, taskqueue, SWAP, eventhandler, bus, sysctl,
uidinfo, subproc, pgrp, ATAPI generic, temp, devbuf
64 isadev, allocindir, proc-args, in6_multi, routetbl, ether_multi,
ifaddr, vnodes, vfscache, pcb, tag, file, AR driver, AD driver, rman,
eventhandler, bus, subproc, session, ip6ndp, temp, devbuf, lockf
128 ZONE, zombie, proc-args, routetbl, vnodes, mount, soname, ttys,
dev_t, timecounter, kld, bus, cred, ATAPI generic, ip6ndp, temp,
256 FFS node, newblk, NFS daemon, Ip6Fw/Ip6Acct, IpFw/IpAcct, routetbl,
stf, faith, ifaddr, vnodes, kqueue, ttys, file desc, ACD driver, bus,
uidinfo, subproc, temp, devbuf
512 UFS mount, key mgmt, routetbl, ifaddr, mount, BIO buffer, ptys,
ATA generic, AR driver, msg, ioctlops, bus, temp, devbuf
1K uc_devlist, NQNFS Lease, Export Host, ifaddr, BIO buffer, kqueue,
MD disk, sem, AD driver, ioctlops, bus, proc, ip6ndp, temp, devbuf
2K UFS mount, pagedep, ifaddr, BIO buffer, pcb, AR driver, ioctlops,
ACD driver, bus, devbuf
4K mbuf, VM pgdata, UFS mount, sem, msg, ioctlops, bus, temp, devbuf
8K UFS mount, syncache, MSDOSFS mount
16K UFS ihash, inodedep, NFS hash, shm, ISOFS mount, msg, bus, devbuf
32K vfscache, temp
512K temp
Memory statistics by type Type Kern
Type InUse MemUse HighUse Limit Requests Limit Limit Size(s)
atkbddev 2 1K 1K 10148K 2 0 0 32
linux 8 1K 1K 10148K 8 0 0 32
uc_devlist 0 0K 2K 10148K 18 0 0 16,1K
nexusdev 4 1K 1K 10148K 4 0 0 16
mbuf 1 4K 4K 10148K 1 0 0 4K
isadev 13 1K 1K 10148K 13 0 0 64
ZONE 15 2K 2K 10148K 15 0 0 128
VM pgdata 1 4K 4K 10148K 1 0 0 4K
zombie 0 0K 1K 10148K 194 0 0 128
UFS mount 12 26K 26K 10148K 12 0 0 512,2K,4K,8K
UFS ihash 1 16K 16K 10148K 1 0 0 16K
FFS node 1102 276K 276K 10148K 1122 0 0 256
allocindir 4 1K 1K 10148K 4 0 0 64
indirdep 1 1K 1K 10148K 1 0 0 32
bmsafemap 1 1K 1K 10148K 1 0 0 32
newblk 1 1K 1K 10148K 5 0 0 32,256
inodedep 1 16K 16K 10148K 1 0 0 16K
pagedep 1 2K 2K 10148K 1 0 0 2K
p1003.1b 1 1K 1K 10148K 1 0 0 16
proc-args 21 2K 2K 10148K 184 0 0 16,32,64,128
NFS hash 1 16K 16K 10148K 1 0 0 16K
NQNFS Lease 1 1K 1K 10148K 1 0 0 1K
NFS daemon 1 1K 1K 10148K 1 0 0 256
key mgmt 51 18K 20K 10148K 487 0 0 16,512
ip6_moptions 1 1K 1K 10148K 1 0 0 16
Ip6Fw/Ip6Acct 30 4K 4K 10148K 30 0 0 16,256
in6_multi 10 1K 1K 10148K 10 0 0 64
syncache 1 8K 8K 10148K 1 0 0 8K
IpFw/IpAcct 5 2K 2K 10148K 5 0 0 256
Export Host 1 1K 1K 10148K 1 0 0 1K
in_multi 2 1K 1K 10148K 2 0 0 32
routetbl 461 67K 67K 10148K 538 0 0 16,32,64,128,256,512
stf 1 1K 1K 10148K 1 0 0 256
faith 4 1K 1K 10148K 4 0 0 256
ether_multi 39 2K 2K 10148K 39 0 0 16,32,64
ifaddr 39 13K 13K 10148K 39 0 0 32,64,256,512,1K,2K
BPF 9 1K 1K 10148K 9 0 0 32
MSDOSFS mount 1 8K 8K 10148K 1 0 0 8K
vnodes 25 6K 7K 10148K 357 0 0 16,32,64,128,256
mount 5 3K 3K 10148K 7 0 0 16,128,512
cluster_save buffer 0 0K 1K 10148K 1 0 0 32
vfscache 1643 135K 135K 10148K 1746 0 0 64,32K
BIO buffer 43 51K 51K 10148K 88 0 0 512,1K,2K
kqueue 2 2K 3K 10148K 30 0 0 256,1K
pcb 19 5K 5K 10148K 71 0 0 16,32,64,2K
soname 7 1K 1K 10148K 151 0 0 16,32,128
tag 0 0K 1K 10148K 1708 0 0 16,64
sigio 1 1K 1K 10148K 1 0 0 32
ptys 2 1K 1K 10148K 2 0 0 512
ttys 409 53K 53K 10148K 994 0 0 128,256
file 76 5K 5K 10148K 1064 0 0 64
file desc 27 7K 8K 10148K 221 0 0 256
dev_t 898 113K 113K 10148K 898 0 0 128
timecounter 5 1K 1K 10148K 5 0 0 128
shm 1 12K 12K 10148K 1 0 0 16K
kld 4 1K 1K 10148K 51 0 0 16,32,128
ATA generic 6 2K 2K 10148K 7 0 0 16,512
AR driver 1 1K 3K 10148K 5 0 0 64,512,2K
ISOFS mount 1 16K 16K 10148K 1 0 0 16K
MD disk 2 2K 2K 10148K 2 0 0 16,1K
sem 3 6K 6K 10148K 3 0 0 1K,4K
AD driver 2 2K 3K 10148K 989 0 0 64,1K
msg 4 25K 25K 10148K 4 0 0 512,4K,16K
rman 55 4K 4K 10148K 420 0 0 16,64
ioctlops 0 0K 4K 10148K 61 0 0 512,1K,2K,4K
taskqueue 2 1K 1K 10148K 2 0 0 32
SWAP 2 73K 73K 10148K 2 0 0 32,128K
ACD driver 2 3K 3K 10148K 2 0 0 256,2K
eventhandler 12 1K 1K 10148K 12 0 0 32,64
bus 450 47K 52K 10148K 846 0 0 16,32,64,128,256,512,1K,2K,4K,16K
sysctl 0 0K 1K 10148K 32 0 0 16,32
uidinfo 4 1K 1K 10148K 8 0 0 32,256
cred 17 3K 3K 10148K 215 0 0 128
subproc 66 6K 6K 10148K 457 0 0 32,64,256
proc 2 2K 2K 10148K 2 0 0 1K
session 19 2K 2K 10148K 22 0 0 64
pgrp 20 1K 1K 10148K 24 0 0 32
ATAPI generic 1 1K 1K 10148K 3 0 0 32,128
ip6ndp 6 2K 2K 10148K 8 0 0 64,128,1K
temp 228 37K 1015K 10148K 1152 0 0 16,32,64,128,256,512,1K,4K,32K,512K
devbuf 85 183K 183K 10148K 131 0 0 16,32,64,128,256,512,1K,2K,4K,16K
lockf 5 1K 1K 10148K 7 0 0 64
atexit 1 1K 1K 10148K 1 0 0 16
Memory Totals: In Use Free Requests
1288K 21K 14574
-------------- next part --------------
Memory statistics by bucket size
Size In Use Free Requests HighWater Couldfree
16 363 149 18920701 1280 0
32 238 3218 336562 640 142373
64 37865 2583 5315047 320 1075
128 1475 477 478725 160 168748
256 37285 107 3325016 80 25
512 64 16 18335 40 0
1K 14 730 71975 20 36204
2K 16 26 527 10 300
4K 17 1 1432 5 0
8K 3 3 7612 5 0
16K 15 0 19 5 0
32K 2 0 2 5 0
128K 1 0 1 5 0
512K 0 0 2 5 0
Memory usage type by bucket size
Size Type(s)
16 uc_devlist, nexusdev, p1003.1b, proc-args, key mgmt, ip6_moptions,
Ip6Fw/Ip6Acct, routetbl, ether_multi, vnodes, mount, pcb, soname,
tag, kld, ATA generic, MD disk, rman, bus, sysctl, temp, devbuf,
32 atkbddev, linux, dirrem, diradd, freefile, freefrag, indirdep,
bmsafemap, newblk, proc-args, tseg_qent, in_multi, routetbl,
ether_multi, ifaddr, BPF, vnodes, cluster_save buffer, pcb, soname,
sigio, kld, taskqueue, SWAP, eventhandler, bus, sysctl, uidinfo,
subproc, pgrp, ATAPI generic, temp, devbuf
64 isadev, allocindir, allocdirect, pagedep, proc-args, in6_multi,
routetbl, ether_multi, ifaddr, vnodes, cluster_save buffer, vfscache,
pcb, tag, file, AR driver, AD driver, rman, eventhandler, bus,
subproc, session, ip6ndp, temp, devbuf, lockf
128 ZONE, zombie, freeblks, inodedep, proc-args, routetbl, vnodes, mount,
cluster_save buffer, vfscache, soname, ttys, dev_t, timecounter, kld,
bus, cred, ATAPI generic, ip6ndp, temp, devbuf
256 FFS node, newblk, proc-args, NFS daemon, Ip6Fw/Ip6Acct, IpFw/IpAcct,
routetbl, stf, faith, ifaddr, vnodes, kqueue, ttys, file desc,
ACD driver, bus, uidinfo, subproc, temp, devbuf
512 UFS mount, key mgmt, routetbl, ifaddr, mount, BIO buffer, ptys,
ATA generic, AR driver, msg, ioctlops, bus, temp, devbuf
1K uc_devlist, NQNFS Lease, Export Host, ifaddr, BIO buffer, kqueue,
MD disk, sem, AD driver, ioctlops, bus, proc, ip6ndp, temp, devbuf
2K UFS mount, pagedep, ifaddr, BIO buffer, pcb, AR driver, ioctlops,
ACD driver, bus, devbuf
4K mbuf, VM pgdata, UFS mount, sem, msg, ioctlops, bus, temp, devbuf
8K UFS mount, indirdep, syncache, MSDOSFS mount
16K UFS ihash, inodedep, NFS hash, shm, ISOFS mount, msg, bus, devbuf
32K vfscache, temp
512K temp
Memory statistics by type Type Kern
Type InUse MemUse HighUse Limit Requests Limit Limit Size(s)
atkbddev 2 1K 1K 10148K 2 0 0 32
linux 8 1K 1K 10148K 8 0 0 32
uc_devlist 0 0K 2K 10148K 18 0 0 16,1K
nexusdev 4 1K 1K 10148K 4 0 0 16
mbuf 1 4K 4K 10148K 1 0 0 4K
isadev 13 1K 1K 10148K 13 0 0 64
ZONE 15 2K 2K 10148K 15 0 0 128
VM pgdata 1 4K 4K 10148K 1 0 0 4K
zombie 0 0K 1K 10148K 167065 0 0 128
UFS mount 12 26K 26K 10148K 12 0 0 512,2K,4K,8K
UFS ihash 1 16K 16K 10148K 1 0 0 16K
FFS node 4626 1157K 1174K 10148K 736735 0 0 256
dirrem 0 0K 1K 10148K 12 0 0 32
diradd 0 0K 1K 10148K 21 0 0 32
freefile 0 0K 1K 10148K 6 0 0 32
freeblks 0 0K 1K 10148K 6 0 0 128
freefrag 0 0K 1K 10148K 1416 0 0 32
allocindir 2 1K 2K 10148K 84504 0 0 64
indirdep 1 1K 25K 10148K 7750 0 0 32,8K
allocdirect 0 0K 2K 10148K 532 0 0 64
bmsafemap 1 1K 1K 10148K 7956 0 0 32
newblk 1 1K 1K 10148K 85037 0 0 32,256
inodedep 1 16K 17K 10148K 27 0 0 128,16K
pagedep 1 2K 3K 10148K 16 0 0 64,2K
p1003.1b 1 1K 1K 10148K 1 0 0 16
proc-args 21 2K 4K 10148K 183277 0 0 16,32,64,128,256
NFS hash 1 16K 16K 10148K 1 0 0 16K
NQNFS Lease 1 1K 1K 10148K 1 0 0 1K
NFS daemon 1 1K 1K 10148K 1 0 0 256
key mgmt 51 18K 23K 10148K 9459 0 0 16,512
ip6_moptions 1 1K 1K 10148K 1 0 0 16
Ip6Fw/Ip6Acct 30 4K 4K 10148K 30 0 0 16,256
in6_multi 10 1K 1K 10148K 10 0 0 64
syncache 1 8K 8K 10148K 1 0 0 8K
tseg_qent 0 0K 1K 10148K 1433 0 0 32
IpFw/IpAcct 5 2K 2K 10148K 5 0 0 256
Export Host 1 1K 1K 10148K 1 0 0 1K
in_multi 2 1K 1K 10148K 2 0 0 32
routetbl 64959 10148K 10148K 10148K 2445306 0 0 16,32,64,128,256,512
stf 1 1K 1K 10148K 1 0 0 256
faith 4 1K 1K 10148K 4 0 0 256
ether_multi 39 2K 2K 10148K 39 0 0 16,32,64
ifaddr 39 13K 13K 10148K 39 0 0 32,64,256,512,1K,2K
BPF 9 1K 1K 10148K 9 0 0 32
MSDOSFS mount 1 8K 8K 10148K 1 0 0 8K
vnodes 25 6K 7K 10148K 357 0 0 16,32,64,128,256
mount 5 3K 3K 10148K 7 0 0 16,128,512
cluster_save buffer 0 0K 1K 10148K 4722 0 0 32,64,128
vfscache 4976 343K 520K 10148K 1062432 0 0 64,128,32K
BIO buffer 0 0K 729K 10148K 33637 0 0 512,1K,2K
kqueue 2 2K 7K 10148K 262 0 0 256,1K
pcb 19 5K 5K 10148K 2791 0 0 16,32,64,2K
soname 7 1K 1K 10148K 11043 0 0 16,32,128
tag 0 0K 1K 10148K 18951506 0 0 16,64
sigio 1 1K 1K 10148K 1 0 0 32
ptys 2 1K 1K 10148K 2 0 0 512
ttys 448 57K 57K 10148K 1930 0 0 128,256
file 74 5K 8K 10148K 3003204 0 0 64
file desc 27 7K 14K 10148K 167092 0 0 256
dev_t 898 113K 113K 10148K 898 0 0 128
timecounter 5 1K 1K 10148K 5 0 0 128
shm 1 12K 12K 10148K 1 0 0 16K
kld 4 1K 1K 10148K 51 0 0 16,32,128
ATA generic 6 2K 2K 10148K 7 0 0 16,512
AR driver 1 1K 3K 10148K 5 0 0 64,512,2K
ISOFS mount 1 16K 16K 10148K 1 0 0 16K
MD disk 2 2K 2K 10148K 2 0 0 16,1K
sem 3 6K 6K 10148K 3 0 0 1K,4K
AD driver 2 2K 3K 10148K 643995 0 0 64,1K
msg 4 25K 25K 10148K 4 0 0 512,4K,16K
rman 55 4K 4K 10148K 420 0 0 16,64
ioctlops 0 0K 4K 10148K 31 0 0 512,1K,2K,4K
taskqueue 2 1K 1K 10148K 2 0 0 32
SWAP 2 73K 73K 10148K 2 0 0 32,128K
ACD driver 2 3K 3K 10148K 2 0 0 256,2K
eventhandler 12 1K 1K 10148K 12 0 0 32,64
bus 450 47K 52K 10148K 846 0 0 16,32,64,128,256,512,1K,2K,4K,16K
sysctl 0 0K 1K 10148K 9249 0 0 16,32
uidinfo 4 1K 1K 10148K 796 0 0 32,256
cred 17 3K 3K 10148K 242268 0 0 128
subproc 66 6K 10K 10148K 375141 0 0 32,64,256
proc 2 2K 2K 10148K 2 0 0 1K
session 19 2K 2K 10148K 2003 0 0 64
pgrp 20 1K 1K 10148K 2040 0 0 32
ATAPI generic 1 1K 1K 10148K 3 0 0 32,128
ip6ndp 6 2K 2K 10148K 8 0 0 64,128,1K
temp 230 41K 1015K 10148K 227970 0 0 16,32,64,128,256,512,1K,4K,32K,512K
devbuf 85 183K 183K 10148K 131 0 0 16,32,64,128,256,512,1K,2K,4K,16K
lockf 3 1K 1K 10148K 291 0 0 64
atexit 1 1K 1K 10148K 1 0 0 16
Memory Totals: In Use Free Requests
12416K 1169K 28475956
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