Strange things on GBit / 1000->100 / net.inet.tcp.inflight.*

Andre Oppermann andre at
Fri Sep 17 14:26:24 PDT 2004

Raphael H. Becker wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 17, 2004 at 02:48:21PM +0200, Andre Oppermann wrote:
>>"Raphael H. Becker" wrote:
>>>My guess: The 5.3-Boxes send bigger TCP-Windows than our switch has
>>>buffer for each port resulting in massive packetloss or something like
>>>that. The sender is "too fast" for the switch or the switch isn't able
>>>to convert from 1000MBit to 100MBit under heavy load
>>Could you send me the output of (after you have run the 1000->100 test):
>> # sysctl net.inet.tcp
>> # sysctl net.inet.tcp.hostcache.list
>> # netstat -s -p tcp
>> # netstat -s -p ip

Could you please provide the same information (except the second sysctl one)
from the target machine as well.  You don't have to show the difference
between before and after but try to make sure that not much other traffic
was going than the test.


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