using natd to load balance port 80 to multiple servers
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Tue Oct 26 13:27:26 PDT 2004
[ Charset ISO-8859-1 unsupported, converting... ]
> Stephane Raimbault wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I'm currently using a freebsd box running natd to forward port 80 to
> > several (5) web servers on private IP's.
> >
> > I have discovered that natd doesn't handle many requests/second all that
> > well (seem to choke at about 200 req/second (educated guess))
> >
> use the "ipfw fwd" option to directly send the packets to the appropriate machine.
> Should be able to forwarrd at wire speed.
> you will probably need ipfw fwd running on both sides of the forward..
> one on the switch machine to forward packets to one machine and one on
> that machine to "capture" those packets to a local socket.
ifconfig lo1 inet IP
with the same IP on every balansed computer,
and then
fwd balanserIP ip from any:mask to IP
for each balanserIP,
where IP is some address, routable by router, the same for each
balansed computer.
> > There are other packet filtering options on FreeBSD and I wonder if I
> > can use them to do what I'm trying to do with natd.
> >
> > Would someone be able to point me to documentation or help me have
> > either ipf/ipfw/pf forward port 80 traffic to private space IP's?
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