pim6sd ipv6 mulitcast routing problem!

=?gb2312?B?1dQgz/7OxA==?= zhao_xiaowen at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 30 17:13:16 PST 2004

Hi everybody:
I'm setting up a Freebsd router box to perform ipv6 unicast & multicast 
routing, but I cannot make multicast routing work. Unicast routing just 
works well.
The router box is set up as follow:
1) FreeBSD 5.2.1 with kame-20041101-freebsd521-snap;
2) Quagga (zebra) 0.96.5 for ipv6 unicast routing;
3) Pim6sd for ipv6 multicast routing (use the default pim6sd.conf).
The router box has 3 ethernet interfaces, each of them are connect to a 
separate subnet:
bsdrouter# ifconfig
        inet6 fe80::201:3ff:fe26:8bba%xl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
        inet6 2001:250:3003:240::1 prefixlen 64        
        inet6 fe80::201:3ff:fee2:1dc3%xl1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2
        inet6 2001:250:3003:202::1 prefixlen 64    
        inet6 fe80::20d:88ff:fe4a:d970%vr0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x3
        inet6 2001:250:3003:250::1 prefixlen 64
After finishing the configuration of BSD router, I then use Robust Audio 
Tool (RAT) to test ipv6 multicast routing. 3 RAT user from the foresaid 
subnet, joining the multicast group "ff1e::240:100". But it seems that the 
router dose not forward multicast packet from an interface to others.

tcpdump and pim6stat indicate that MLD message between router and host 
works with no problem. But the routing table is empty! The following is the 
ouput of "pim6stat" command:
PIM Neighbor List
 Mif  PhyIF Address                                  Timer
MLD Querier List
 Mif  PhyIF Address                                  Timer            Last
 0      xl0 fe80::201:3ff:fe26:8bba                    255         1h7m27s
 1      xl1 fe80::201:3ff:fee2:1dc3                    255         1h7m27s
 2      vr0 fe80::20d:88ff:fe4a:d970                   255         1h7m27s
Reported MLD Group
 Mif  PhyIF 
 0      xl0 ff1e::240:100 (#897 (v1 EX #0))
              (any source) (-)
 1      xl1 ff1e::240:100 (#894 (v1 EX #0))
              (any source) (-)
 2      vr0 ff1e::240:100 (#896 (v1 EX #0))
              (any source) (-)
Multicast Routing Table
 Source          Group           RP-addr         Flags
Number of Groups: 0
Number of Cache MIRRORs: 0
"pim6stat -s" shows that "forwarding cache miss" occur on every interface. 
The following is the ouput of "pim6stat -s":
bsdrouter# /usr/local/v6/sbin/pim6stat -s
pim6sd per-interface statistics
 Mif=0, PhyIF=xl0
        139 pim6 hello sent
        38 MLD report received
        2 MLD done received
        38 MLD query sent
        1452 forwarding cache miss
        1452 forwarding cache miss and not created
 Mif=1, PhyIF=xl1
        139 pim6 hello sent
        37 MLD report received
        2 MLD done received
        38 MLD query sent
        1163 forwarding cache miss
        1163 forwarding cache miss and not created
 Mif=2, PhyIF=vr0
        139 pim6 hello sent
        6 MLD report received
        34 MLD query sent
        1071 forwarding cache miss
        1071 forwarding cache miss and not created
"netstat -gs" also says "multicast forwarding cache misses":
bsdrouter# netstat -gs
netstat: sysctl: net.inet.ip.mrtstat: No such file or directory
No IPv4 multicast routing compiled into this system.
IPv6 multicast forwarding:
        22110 multicast forwarding cache lookups
        22110 multicast forwarding cache misses
        2937 upcalls to mrouted
        15683 upcall queue overflows
        0 upcalls dropped due to full socket buffer
        2936 cache cleanups
        22110 datagrams with no route for origin
        0 datagrams arrived with bad tunneling

So, what's wrong with my setup? How can I correct it and make ipv6 
multicast routing work?


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