ipl ftp proxy bugfix
Karim Fodil-Lemelin
kfl at xiphos.ca
Thu Nov 25 12:28:45 PST 2004
Hi all,
I have been experiencing problems reaching some ftp servers in
active mode through the ftp proxy in the ipl module. Although some ftp
servers would work without problems (ex: ftp.freebsd.org). Here is how
you can reproduce the current problem:
map sis2 -> 0/32 proxy port ftp ftp/tcp
map sis2 -> 0/32
ftp to a site where the welcome message/banner (220) is larger then 80
bytes (FTP_BUFSZ/2).
ftp> passive
Passive mode off
ftp> ls
500 Illegal PORT command.
The problem is that the ftp proxy entry gets deleted when
ftp_server_valid() tries to get the 220 command due to the lack of \n in
the buffer (striped by len = MIN(mlen, FTP_BUFSZ / 2); in ip_ftp_pxy.c).
I have attached the solution.
Karim Fodil-Lemelin
Lead Programmer
Xiphos Technologies Inc.
-------------- next part --------------
Index: ip_ftp_pxy.c
RCS file: /usr/xiphos/cvsroot/scps/OS_port/FreeBSD/dev/sys_49/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/ip_ftp_pxy.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 ip_ftp_pxy.c
--- ip_ftp_pxy.c 30 Aug 2004 20:48:14 -0000 1.1
+++ ip_ftp_pxy.c 25 Nov 2004 20:03:34 -0000
@@ -818,11 +818,9 @@
for (; i; i--) {
- c = *s++;
- if (c == '\n') {
- ftps->ftps_cmds = cmd;
- return 0;
- }
+ c = *s++;
+ ftps->ftps_cmds = cmd;
+ return 0;
#if !defined(_KERNEL) && !defined(KERNEL)
fprintf(stdout, "ippr_ftp_server_valid:junk after cmd[%s]\n", buf);
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