
Bruce M Simpson bms at
Tue Nov 16 07:58:10 PST 2004

On Tue, Nov 16, 2004 at 10:43:25AM -0500, Mike Tancsa wrote:
> Neat!  What about the underlying OS ?   Is it optimized for a particular OS 
> such as
> or FreeBSD or Linux ?

Our primary development platform is FreeBSD. We also support Linux, and
Click support should be back in for the 1.1 release. Performance work
within XORP is ongoing; there is also a Win32 port planned.

I just added blackhole support last week to CVS, and TCP-MD5 support has
been in XORP for some months now, so hopefully by the time 1.1 comes out
XORP should be a viable replacement for Quagga at least for the roles
Sentex is using it for.


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