vpn over ipsec question

JINMEI Tatuya /神明達哉 jinmei at isl.rdc.toshiba.co.jp
Tue May 25 02:39:01 GMT 2004

>>>>> On Mon, 24 May 2004 09:22:08 +0700, 
>>>>> Muhammad Reza <reza at mra.co.id> said:

> I try to configure vpn over ipsec between two FreeBSD (4.10PRERELEASE 
> and 5.1.p17) gateways.
> My guidelines is from FreeBSD handbook,
> Tunelling is workfine with gifconfig command, i can ping each internal 
> interface from both side gateway.
> The problem is when i try to securing the link with setkey command 
> (setkey -f /etc/ipsec.conf), i cant no longer established connection 
> between internal interface. (ping time out).
> Please help me regarding this problem

Please provide more detailed information if you want to get useful
advice.  At least the content of ipsec.conf is necessary.  Perhaps it
contains "real" secret keys you want to hide.  If so, first try the
same configuration with temporary keys like "foobarbaz", and report
the problem again (if it happens) with the full details of ipsec.conf
and the temporary keys.

Another nit: you may also want to ask the question at
snap-users at kame.net if you still cannot get an answer here.

					JINMEI, Tatuya
					Communication Platform Lab.
					Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corp.
					jinmei at isl.rdc.toshiba.co.jp

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