ppp receiving wrong device number (cuaa10 instead of cuaaa, cuaa15 instead of cuaaf)

Alexander Lunyov lan at startatom.ru
Mon May 17 04:21:02 PDT 2004


  We have a gateway for our inner clients, it is FreeBSD-4.8R-p14,
  three Cronyx Omega PCI multiport cards (24 ports in sum), mgetty
  listening on all those ports, and when user connects, mgetty run
  exppp (enchanced ppp incarnation, http://shs.sumy.ua).
  Freeradius handles authentication and accounting. When i've enable
  freeradius module rlm_ippool (ip addresses pooling module), dialup
  users start receiving error "server have not assign ip address"
  after connecting on some telephone numbers (not all, just some
  numbers), and when i dig some further, i found, that freeradius in
  such cases did not receive NAS-Port-Id attribute from exppp.
  Freeradius receive standard request, but without one attribute, in

       Service-Type = Framed-User
       User-Name = "bpv89"
       Framed-Protocol = PPP
       CHAP-Password = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
       CHAP-Challenge = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
       NAS-Identifier = "zeus.domain.ru"
       NAS-Port-Type = Async  

  Then i started to watch for ppp connections. And i found strange thing. Look
  at this (ppp log):

 Phase: Using interface: tun9
 Phase: deflink: Created in closed state
 Command: default: set radius /etc/radius.conf
 Command: default: set dns
 Command: default: set local_ip
 Warning: Add local net:
 Command: default: accept dns
 Command: default: enable lqr
 Command: default: enable pap
 Command: default: enable chap
 Command: default: enable mschap
 Command: default: enable mschapv2
 Command: default: set rad_alive 20
 Command: default: disable acfcomp protocomp
 Command: default: deny acfcomp
 Command: dialup: set timeout 900
 Command: dialup: set mru 576
 Command: dialup: set mtu 576
 Phase: PPP Started (direct mode).
 Phase: bundle: Establish
 Phase: deflink: closed -> opening
 Phase: deflink: Connected!
 Phase: deflink: opening -> carrier
> Phase: deflink: /dev/cuaa15: CD detected *** (1)
 Phase: deflink: carrier -> lcp
 Phase: bundle: Authenticate
 Phase: deflink: his = none, mine = CHAP 0x05
 Phase: Chap Output: CHALLENGE
 Phase: Chap Input: RESPONSE (16 bytes from rim74)
> Error: NAS-Port-Id borken: -1 *** (2)
 Phase: Radius: Request sent
 Phase: Radius(auth): ACCEPT received
 Phase:  Octets limit 292770808
 Phase: Chap Output: SUCCESS
 Phase: deflink: lcp -> open
 Phase: bundle: Network

 Then disconnection occures - freeradius didn't deliver ip address for
 this connection.
 (1) - But mgetty said that modem connects to /dev/cuaaf port! Where
 did come digit 15 from? This situation (decimal port number instead
 of hex) can also be seen on ports cuaa10 (cuaaa), cuaa11 (cuaab),
 cuaa12 (cuaac) etc till cuaa15 - port cuaag always comes in hex.

 (2) - This is my debug entry, that i insert in radius.c. Original

 if ((slot = physical_Slot(p)) >= 0)
   if (rad_put_int(rad, RAD_NAS_PORT, slot) != 0) {
     log_Printf(LogERROR, "rad_put: rad_put_int: %s\n", rad_strerror(rad));
     return 0;

 I've added debug 'else' for first 'if' (2). Thus physical_Slot() from
 physical.c returning '-1'. In physical.c:

physical_Slot(struct physical *p)
 if (p->handler && p->handler->slot)
   return (*p->handler->slot)(p);

 return -1;

 And p->handler is coming from tty.c (if i'm not missed the trail)

in tty_iov2device():

   memcpy(&dev->dev, &basettydevice, sizeof dev->dev);

   physical_SetupStack(p, dev->dev.name, PHYSICAL_NOFORCE);
   if (dev->Timer.state != TIMER_STOPPED) {
     dev->Timer.state = TIMER_STOPPED;
     p->handler = &dev->dev;       /* For the benefit of StartTimer */
   return &dev->dev;

 And i don't know where should i dig further. Must be some place,
 where hex numbers returns as decimal, but i don't know, where is it.

  Ports on multiport cards are:

    cuaa[1-8] - first card
    cuaa[9-g] - second card
    cuaa[h-o] - third card

  And next strange thing is that this problem rising only on ports
  cuaa[10-15] (!), in hex is cuaa[a-f] - and i'm surprised that
  cuaag is working fine! The most surprising thing is that all ports
  on third card (cuaa[h-o]) is working as they should!

  But still, 6 of 24 modems are out of order :(

  Where those decimal port numbers come from?

  I found only one similar problem, but there is no answer to it:


  I've contacted Cronyx company (they produce those multiport cards),
  and their specialist said that this is not their driver issue and
  he can prove it. And i believe him :)

# uname -a
FreeBSD zeus.domain.ru 4.8-RELEASE-p14 FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE-p14 #4: Tue Mar 30 10:17:02 MSD 2004
   root at zeus.domain.ru:/usr/src/sys/compile/zeus  i386
# pkg_info -I freeradius\* mgetty\*
freeradius-0.9.3    A free RADIUS server implementation
mgetty- Handle external logins, send and receive faxes
p.s.: fragments of code in this message have not changed in exppp,
they are same as in original ppp

p.p.s.: dmesg and all config files are in attachement, if more debug
will be needed - i'll give it.

Alexander Lunyov, lan_mailing at startatom.ru
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