if_stf bug/feature
ume at FreeBSD.org
Tue May 11 10:54:38 PDT 2004
>>>>> On Tue, 11 May 2004 18:07:34 +0200
>>>>> Lukasz Stelmach <Lukasz.Stelmach at telmark.waw.pl> said:
Lukasz> In one of my previous letters I have mentioned that i use 4.9-RCsomething
Lukasz> and unfortunately this is my only FreeBSD. I am also afraid :-( that
Lukasz> i don't have enough spare time neither. But please send the patch and
Lukasz> I will *try* to look at it if you don't mind.
I knew that you are using 4.X from your post to stable at . I attach my
candidate patch for 4-STABLE into this mail.
Suzuki-san mentioned RFC3056. However, though 5-CURRENT checks if an
address is not RFC1918 address, 4-STABLE version of if_stf doesn't
check RFC1918 address. I included this check into my patch. It makes
NAT thing more difficult, though.
A friend of mine tested this patch on his 4-STABLE box.
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Hajimu UMEMOTO @ Internet Mutual Aid Society Yokohama, Japan
ume at mahoroba.org ume@{,jp.}FreeBSD.org
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