em driver problem (system lock)
fabien.thomas at netasq.com
Mon May 10 09:32:14 PDT 2004
We use a lot of intel gigabit card and since the first
time we use it we experience some strange hard lock of the system
(4.9|FreeBSD-stable). We have tried several driver version (it is not
related to a version). We use the card in polling mode but it seems that
the problem can be fired even in interrupt mode.
What i found during the debugging on a fiber card:
1) original driver did not lock but when the other end is rebooted i've
around 10 linkup/linkdown
2) removing linkup/linkdown printf: driver lock each time the other end
system is rebooted!
3) removing the E1000_IMC_RXSEQ in disable_intr correct the lock but i
do not understand why:
a) E1000_IMC_RXSEQ need to be left when disabling intr?
b) the system completly lock (even under debugger) for just an
interrupt source enabled?
static void
em_disable_intr(struct adapter *adapter)
E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, IMC,
(0xffffffff));/* & ~E1000_IMC_RXSEQ));*/
What do you think of that ?
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