PCI ADSL card and PPPoA
Edwin Culp
eculp at viviendaatualcance.com.mx
Sat Mar 27 08:25:22 PST 2004
Quoting User Ernie <ernie at spooky.eis.net.au>:
> Firstly I have to warn you I am a Netgraph newbie,and despite looking for
> hours, I have not found much of a tutorial on how it all fits together.
> I recently obtained a PCI ADSl modem card, Pulsar ADSL from Traverse
> Technologies http://www.traverse.com.au
> They have some test FreeBSD drivers http://adsl4linux.no-ip.org/pulsar.html
> that implement a bridge mode ADSL connection using netgraph modules:
> Id Refs Address Size Name
> 1 8 0xc0400000 65ab28 kernel
> 2 1 0xc0a5b000 7794 ng_atm.ko
> 3 4 0xc0a63000 14abc netgraph.ko
> 4 1 0xc0a78000 386c ng_eiface.ko
> 5 2 0xc0a7c000 3030 atm_aal.ko
> 6 1 0xc0a80000 440dc if_pls.ko
> 7 1 0xc0ac5000 2d50 ng_atmllc.ko
> This all seems to work fine, the modules load up and I get an ADSL sync
> light on the ADSL PCI card.
> However I need to run PPPoE or PPPoA to connect to my ISP,
> I tried user ppp and mpd but the both complained that the interface was not
> ethernet.
> Is it possible to use some like ng_ppp and mpd to hook to this card so I
> can establish a PPPoA session? If so can anyone suggest an mpd config?
YMMV with this answer because
o- I use a TelCo supplied adsl modem.
o- I've never had a problem with pppoe
It's always just worked.
The only real difference in the configuration of ppp for
dialup and ppp for pppoe, in my case is:
set device PPPoE:fxp1
It runs on tun[0-9], BTW but you must assign it to a free
ethernet interface. In my case it is fxp1 - em0 is
internal and fxp0 is a different isp with a partial E-1 as
an example.
My complete configuration, with some information changed to
protect the innocent with xxxx, follows:
set log Phase tun command
# set ifaddr
set ifaddr xxx.78.18.xxx xx8.235.145.xxx
set device PPPoE:fxp1
set authname xxxxxxxx
set authkey xxxxx
set dial
set login
add default HISADDR
It starts from rc with the rc.conf entry
# User ppp configuration.
ppp_enable="YES" # Start user-ppp (or NO).
ppp_mode="ddial" # Choice of "auto", "ddial", "direct" or
# For details see man page for ppp(8). Default is
ppp_nat="YES" # Use PPP's internal network address
translation or NO.
ppp_profile="telmex" # Which profile to use from
ppp_user="xxxx" # Which user to run ppp as
It runs as:
# ps -ax|grep ppp
246 ?? Ss 1:47.42 /usr/sbin/ppp -quiet -ddial -nat
I suppose auto would work the same way as ddial but I just
modified a dial-up configuration.
Hope this gives you some idea. BTW, this is on current
although I assume it doesn't change.
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