Two interfaces on the same network

AL Chane al_chane at
Wed Jun 9 06:42:26 GMT 2004

> AL Chane:
>> Hi, there:
>>     I have two interfaces on my linux PC in the same network:
>>> ifconfig eth0 netmask
>>> ifconfig eth1 netmask
>>     Another Windows PC with IP netmask
>>     I found that in the same network, Linux PC only use one interface
>> eth0 for outbound/inbound traffics no matter what. Even if I use Windows
>> PC ( to ping Linux PC's eth1 (, Linux still use
>> eth0 to reply. That is, if I unplug eth0's wire, eth1 won't work too.
>>     Does anyone have the same issue on how to make two interfaces
>> work in the same network? I search 2003 archive, some said it can be
>> done by set second interface (eth1) netmask to, but
>> i tried and it doesn't work for me.
>>     Helps from you are highly appreciated!
> Are they on the same wire? If so, why do you need such configuretion?
> rik

no, eth0 is wired ethernet. eth1 is wireless.

My application is an IP Camera with two interfaces (eth0 is wired 
ethernet, eth1 is wireless) running on uClinux. IP Camera provides
an Http server so clinet browers can access it by either ethernet or 

Two interfaces work fine with different networks, but have probem
to work in the same network as I described in the previous message.

The situation I might have is like this:

    Users need first to use ethernet (eth0) to access http server
    to setup wireless(eth1) like SSID, WEP. Once wireless is setup,
    two interface eth0/eth1 with two IPS exist in the same network.
    If user unplug the ethernet wire, wireless won't work unless
    I make ethernet down or change ethernet IP to different network.
    This step might not be friendly for ordinary users.
    In addition, in the same LAN, clients access thru wireless might
    want switch back to wired access due to heavy wireless 
traffic/wireless performance (sometimes choppy)

Thanks :)

AL Chane

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