2 isp's, one LAN and need to divide traffic.

Edwin Culp eculp at viviendaatualcance.com.mx
Thu Feb 5 09:56:57 PST 2004

Quoting Ryan Thompson <ryan at sasknow.com>:

> Edwin Culp wrote to net at freebsd.org:
>> Is there a, hopefully simple, way to divide bidirectional traffic
>> (LAN/INTERNET)between 2 internet connections more or less as the
>> diagram below.  I've just added a DSL connection with a lot more
>> bandwidth than my ds0. I want to use the ds0 exclusively for email and
>> DNS that I consider, in my case, to be lower priority and the DSL for
>> all other traffic?
> Sure. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're asking for... just bind
> your email and DNS server to one or two of the ds0 IPs. Don't listen for
> those services on the Provider2 IP. Then bind your other services to the
> Provider2 IP.
> If you're directing this all to an RFC1918 internal network (i.e., the
> server(s) do not have public IPs), you're probably already using NAT,
> and can make use of static NAT and the -redirect_port feature.


That is exactly what I want to do.  I've seen that in the NAT docs but was
unsure how and if it would work in my case.  I've never used NAT in anything
but the default firewall configuration.  I'm going to do some reading and

Thanks so much,


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