[4.5-R]FTP Uploading Is Massively Broken....

Mike Silbersack silby at silby.com
Fri Sep 12 17:35:19 PDT 2003

On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, The Jetman wrote:

>     Mike:  OKAY !  This is unknown territory for me, so I didn't know
> TCPDUMP could be a friend, but I gen'd a simple TCPDUMP session, monitoring
> a session via wi0 to my ISP's FTP server called (for the purps of this dump)
> foobar.com.  The test target is a 266567 byte ASCII file, which took 93 secs.
> Obviously, I ZIPped the attachment.
>     TIA....Jet

I looked over the tcpdump that was sent to me, and it appears that Jeffery
Hsu is right; by setting the sendspace down to 1024 bytes, you've caused
your system to send smaller than normal packets and have also caused the
system to send only one packet at a time, destroying performance.

In addition, there is a problem with dropped packets, but that's to be
expected on a wireless link, and it should be handled fine with a proper
sendspace setting.

Mike "Silby" Silbersack

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