Mike Silbersack silby at
Wed Sep 10 21:39:11 PDT 2003

On Thu, 11 Sep 2003, Vincent Jardin wrote:

> Hi,
> I get a FreeBSD 4.8 that reaches the limit of KMAP ENTRY whereas it remains
> enough free memory. How is computed this limit and how can it be increased ?
> $ vmstat -z
> ITEM            SIZE     LIMIT    USED    FREE  REQUESTS
>   ...
> KMAP ENTRY:       48,     7933,    130,    168,     1037
> (panic when SIZE >= LIMIT)
> Moreover, why should vm_map_entry_create() panic when zalloc() returns NULL ?
> I think one can return NULL without panicing. Is it a bug or a feature ?
> Regards,
>   Vincent

Heh, Tor just proposed raising the number of kmap entries allocated in a
private thread.  So, I think you'll see that change in soon enough.

BTW, I hope size doesn't change as your machine is running. :)

Mike "Silby" Silbersack

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