tcp hostcache and ip fastforward for review

Anders Lowinger anders at
Thu Nov 13 04:56:17 PST 2003

Haesu wrote:
> I agree in that flow cache is bad and it should not be used.

Everything is not black or white.

A flow cache can accelerate for example Access Control Lists
and/or firewalling, since only the first packet needs to be

Cisco just added ACL bypass for firewall, which is a similar feature.

> It only takes x num. of kpps with diverse destinations to knock off a router running flow based caching.

Yep, that is true and its hard to work around.

> Extreme switches use flow based caching (called ipfdb) and any DoS attack that uses
> diverse destinations will kill it pretty quickly..

Cisco's newer stuff does the flow-cache independent of the forwarding, i.e. the
flow is more of an accounting cache.

--Anders, not affiliated with Cisco

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