Ping results are sometimes wrong

Barney Wolff barney at
Sat May 17 21:33:01 PDT 2003

On Sat, May 17, 2003 at 08:32:26PM -0600, Brett Glass wrote:
> True. But the first ping is, in most cases, not going to be 
> representative. So, it pays to throw it away if you're compiling 
> statistics of any sort.

Fine idea for your own use.  For the rest of us, let's abide by
POLA and not change behavior which is by now decades old and
sometimes provides a bit of useful info, namely the arp time.

brettsping() { ping -q -c 1 ${$#}; ping $*; }

Barney Wolff
I'm available by contract or FT, in the NYC metro area or via the 'Net.

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