Controlling ports used by natd

Jacques A. Vidrine nectar at
Fri Dec 12 05:26:31 PST 2003

On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 08:12:49PM -0700, Brett Glass wrote:
> Is there a way to control the range of ports to which FreeBSD's
> natd maps outgoing connections? I'm attempting to deal with a
> situation in which natd is (sometimes) changing outgoing UDP 
> packets' source port numbers to ones which are commonly used 
> by worms. Sometimes, a firewall at the destination blocks the
> packet; at other times, the response is blocked on the way
> back.
> If it is possible to tell natd to avoid using ports that are
> firewalled, it ought to be possible to avoid this problem. But
> I can find no way to do this. Does one exist?

I suppose there is brute force.  Use an application like PortSentry to
bind the ports that you don't want to be used by natd.

Jacques Vidrine   NTT/Verio SME      FreeBSD UNIX       Heimdal
nectar at jvidrine at nectar at nectar at

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