freeBSD NIS-server - LINUX NIS-client auth/login probs

Thomas Zauner ThomasZauner at
Fri Aug 1 05:22:45 PDT 2003


i set up a NIS server on freebsd(5.1) excactly like in the handbook and
then  started the NIS client on linux (RH-9).

(i just have 1 test user for now)


here's the output from ypcat passwd:
the client binds the server ok:

[root at linux]# ypcat passwd
testo:*:1003:1003:User &:/home/testo/:/usr/local/bin/bash

(the home dir does exist on the client -- via NFS)

also in the RH user-manager i can see the user testo but i CANT LOGIN
i think its an auth problem.

on the freeBSD side i use md5 as default encrypt. but thats ok with
i think.(on the freebsd side in /etc/login.conf defined)


there is a option in /var/yp/Makefile on the FREEBSD side
but its commented out. here'S the discription of this option:
# If you want to use a FreeBSD NIS server to serve non-FreeBSD clients
# (i.e. clients who expect the password field in the passwd maps to be
# valid) then uncomment this line. This will cause $YPDIR/passwd to
# be generated with valid password fields. This is insecure: FreeBSD
# normally only serves the master.passwd maps (which have real encrypted
# passwords in them) to the superuser on other FreeBSD machines, but
# non-FreeBSD clients (e.g. SunOS, Solaris (without NIS+), IRIX, HP-UX,
# etc...) will only work properly in 'unsecure' mode.
DO I need this ?

also i am not shure what config to use in nsswitch.conf on linux
because i dunno what NIS(1/2/+) freebsd is using so is this ok?

-----SNIP (/etc/nsswitch.conf)------
passwd:     compat
group:      compat
shadow:     nis files # i think there is no compat for shadow

passwd_compat: nis
group_compat: nis

and then add the "+::::::" stuff to /etc/shadow passwd and groups

or just:

passwd: nis files
shadow: nis files
group: nis files

and NOT use the +:::   stuff in the passwd,group.shadow files ?

or sth with nis+  in nsswitch.conf ?
 i am soooooo confused !

what about the diffrent styles of the "shadowed" password file of
LINUX(/etc/shadow) and FREEBSD (/etc/master.passwd)
the freebsd master.passwd has more fields then the linux equivalent

here'an example:

man:*:9:9::0:0:Mister Man Pages:/usr/share/man:/sbin/nologin
nine ":"'s right

eight ":"'s

i think linux is missing the class thing from BSD but that shouldn't be
prob for NIS because thats ecaxtly what it is  there for, distrubution
passwd+logins for diff. systems RIGHT.

BTW my umask is 0077 do others/group need read-access to and of the
in /var/yp/* ??? 

ok thats all i can think of right now
PLS if someone can help "SAVE MY WEEKEND" and help me. LOL

Thomas Zauner

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