IPv6 MTU bug?

Mark Santcroos marks at ripe.net
Fri Apr 4 01:13:16 PST 2003

On Fri, Apr 04, 2003 at 11:22:04AM +0900, JINMEI Tatuya / ?$B?@L at C#:H wrote:
> Yes, this is a bug of the IPv6 code, and has been fixed in KAME
> snapshots.  The fix should eventually be merged to the freebsd
> repository, but I'm not a committer and thus cannot tell when.

Ah, I saw you're the person who actually fixed it ;-)

The KAME snapshot of FreeBSD is quite old, do you know the "procedure" of
when and why it get's updated?

I might try to extract only the mtu stuff from the changes and apply that
locally though.

Thanks for the ACK.


Mark Santcroos                    RIPE Network Coordination Centre
http://www.ripe.net/home/mark/    New Projects Group/TTM

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