options FAST_IPSEC & tunnels
Eric Masson
e-masson at kisoft-services.com
Wed Apr 2 07:58:34 PST 2003
>>>>> "Lars" == Lars Eggert <larse at ISI.EDU> writes:
Lars> Alternatively (and already working), you can replace IPsec tunnel
Lars> mode with IPIP (gif) tunnels and transport mode, and then use the
Lars> gif device in your firewall rules.
If transport mode can be used to connect to a pix, it's a solution to
consider, but atm, I've found no reference to such a setup on the pix.
I've tried gif tunnels with ipsec tunnel mode and didn't get
reproduceable results, this setup worked once with the following gif
setup :
if ! PREFIX=$(expr $0 : "\(/.*\)/etc/rc\.d/${0##*/}\$"); then
echo "$0: Cannot determine the PREFIX" >&2
exit 1
case "$1" in
# Setup Chantilly
ifconfig gif0 create
ifconfig gif0 tunnel $local_extern $remote_extern
ifconfig gif0 inet $local_intern netmask $local_mask $remote_intern netmask $remote_mask
echo -n ' tunnel'
ifconfig gif0 destroy
echo -n ' tunnel'
echo "Usage: `basename $0` {start|stop}" >&2
exit 64
exit 0
Next time, after a reboot (kernel switch) no packets were flowing thru
the gif tunnel.
I gave up and switched back to plain ipsec tunnel without gifs, hence
the original question.
Eric Masson
PR> tu es en avance d'un an pour le nouveau millénaire
il me semble que (2000) est bien le nouveau millenaire justement
par contre on change de siecle l'annee prochaine en 2001
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