CFT: vlc 2.0.8 (with two PRs applied)

Florent Peterschmitt florent at
Wed Aug 28 21:05:15 UTC 2013

Le 28/08/2013 22:26, Juergen Lock a écrit :
> 	livemedia breakage

Builds fine :)

I've got a problem with FreeBSD 10 (HEAD) and reading videos with it,
for the moment I havn't much time to investigate by myself and since
FreeBSD 10 should go into stable in few days, I'll fill a PR in due form
if I'm not able to find any clue about the problem.

If you or someone else is interested:

Reading a video with new xorg, is not possible. The first "picture" is
displayed and VLC hangs on.

Florent Peterschmitt           | Please:
florent at        |  * Avoid HTML/RTF in E-mail.
+33 (0)6 64 33 97 92           |  * Send PDF for documents. |  * Trim your quotations. Really.
Proudly powered by Open Source | Thank you :)

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