MythTV 0.22: automatically run mythfilldatabase - how is it suposed to work?

Torfinn Ingolfsen torfinn.ingolfsen at
Sat Mar 13 17:44:22 UTC 2010


In MythTV 0.22 (at least the port to FreeBSD), the user 'mythtv'
has '/nonexistent' as its home directory. This is good for security.

But mythfilldatabase (or the grabbers it uses) usually fetch the config
file from $HOME/.mythtv/<input>.xmltv.
If you set up MythTV to automatically run mythfilldatabase, it runs it
as the 'mythtv' user. Since that user doesn't have a home directory
anymore, mythfilldatabase fails.

How is this supposed to work in MythTV 0.22?
Torfinn Ingolfsen

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