DVB support

Tom Evans tevans.uk at googlemail.com
Mon Nov 16 14:24:24 UTC 2009

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Jason Harmening
<jason.harmening at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Tom,
> The cx88 kernel drivers should "just work" w/ your card--if you don't
> care about analog, you'll only need to load cx88mpeg.ko.
> All the stuff that will need to happen to get your card working will
> be in userspace, in the cx88 capture app and libtuner.
> Konstantin Dimitrov (kosio.dimitrov at gmail.com) has been working on
> DVB-S/S2 support w/ IIRC some Hauppauge cards and the cx88 driver.  I
> know he's successfully captured DVB-S TV, but he's super busy right
> now & hasn't been able to push any of his code to the main branch.  If
> you're interested in contributing, you should ping him to see where
> he's at and what you can do to help.
> Thanks,
> Jason

Hi again - sorry it took so long to come back into this, it took a lot
longer than I expected to get my base system fully working with ZFS et al!

As you thought Jason, the kernel side interfaces of the card were properly
recognised by cx88 port. I've attached verbose dmesg at the end (although
there are no problems - it has attached just fine.)

Konstantin: is there any code for DVB-S tuning/capturing I could look at to
attempt to port this card?


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