PVR-250 on freebsd 7.0-release

Jeff jeff at doeshosting.com
Fri Apr 4 18:49:14 UTC 2008

On Apr 3, 2008, at 7:45 PM, Rick C. Petty wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 03, 2008 at 06:54:12PM -0400, Jeff wrote:
>> Yes, here is how that went:
>> [root at nfs ~]# cat /dev/cxm0 > test.mpg
>> cat: /dev/cxm0: Device not configured
>> Apr  3 09:59:20 nfs kernel: cxm0: video decoder isn't locked
>> I decided to run trace on pvr250-setchannel,
>> ktrace pvr250-setchannel -g 720x480 -s
>> kdump -f ktrace.out
>> I believe this is the relevant part, but what it is saying and how to
>> fix is over my head:
>> 83386 pvr250-setchannel CALL  open 
>> (0x804915a,O_RDONLY,<unused>0x804914f)
>>  83386 pvr250-setchannel NAMI  "/dev/cxm0"
>>  83386 pvr250-setchannel RET   open 3
>>  83386 pvr250-setchannel CALL  ioctl(0x3,SERIAL_SETINVCLK,0xbfbfe8b4)
>>  83386 pvr250-setchannel RET   ioctl -1 errno 22 Invalid argument
>>  83386 pvr250-setchannel CALL  writev(0x2,0xbfbfe84c,0x4)
>>  83386 pvr250-setchannel GIO   fd 2 wrote 53 bytes
>>        "ioctl( tfd, METEORSINPUT ) failed.: Invalid argument
> Did you apply the iicbb patches to your kernel?  My dump is similar  
> but the
> call works:
>  11090 pvr250-setchannel NAMI  "/dev/cxm0"
>  11090 pvr250-setchannel RET   open 3
>  11090 pvr250-setchannel CALL  ioctl(0x3,SERIAL_SETINVCLK,0xbfbfea2c)
>  11090 pvr250-setchannel RET   ioctl 0
>  11090 pvr250-setchannel CALL  ioctl(0x3,BT848_GAUDIO,0xbfbfea28)
>  11090 pvr250-setchannel RET   ioctl -1 errno 6 Device not configured
>  11090 pvr250-setchannel CALL  writev(0x2,0xbfbfe1b0,0x4)
>  11090 pvr250-setchannel GIO   fd 2 wrote 58 bytes
>        "ioctl( tfd, BT848_GAUDIO ) failed.: Device not configured
>        "
>  11090 pvr250-setchannel RET   writev 58/0x3a
>  11090 pvr250-setchannel CALL  ioctl(0x3,BT848_SCAPAREA,0xbfbfeb40)
>  11090 pvr250-setchannel RET   ioctl 0
>  11090 pvr250-setchannel CALL  close(0x3)
>  11090 pvr250-setchannel RET   close 0
>  11090 pvr250-setchannel CALL  exit(0x1)
Sorry for posting this 2x, some of my spacing got messed on my last  
message up so in this message I fix that.

[root at nfs /usr/ports/multimedia/pvr250]# make patch-iicbb
/usr/src/sys/dev/iicbus/iicbb.c was already patched

I just looked through the patch at pvr250/work//dev/cxm/Patch.iicbb- 
fbsd5 and the files it patched, all patches were done as the patch  
file says they should be.

I do have the following in the kernel which I am currently running:
# For my PVR-250 tv tuner
device iicbus
device iicbb

Rick:  Are you also using freebsd7?

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