6.2R && High Definition Audio
Matthias Apitz
m.apitz at oclcpica.org
Sun May 20 08:27:44 UTC 2007
El día Saturday, May 19, 2007 a las 11:13:25PM +0300, Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri escribió:
> >The only thing I can't get to work is 'xmms'. No audio comes out
> >and the volume in 'xmms' is set to zero and can't be changed.
> >Has someone a working .xmms/config file for snd_hda? Thx
> >
> > matthias
> >
> Now HDA is in the RELENG_6, merged few days ago by Ariff, so you'll
> get it if you upgrade your kernel as well.
> --
> Regards,
I do not fully understand how this could solve the problem I have
with 'xmms'. Could you please clarify it? Thanks in advance
Matthias Apitz
Manager Technical Support - OCLC PICA GmbH
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