pvrxxx 0x75

Anders Troback freebsd at troback.com
Sat Apr 7 21:02:43 UTC 2007

On Thu, 5 Apr 2007 09:41:00 -0400
"Jim Stapleton" <stapleton.41 at gmail.com> wrote:

> First, the 350 actually uses the pvr250, not the pvrxxx port.
> Next, if that doesn't work, you need to find which tuner that
> represents. You can either google and find the Linux driver (the site
> I found it on also had a lot of tuner documentation, to help me get my
> tuner up, you can check the archives, I think I posted a link to the
> site).
> Once that is done, you need to update three files in the source of the
> port. If you find the do document, drop a mail back here on the list,
> and someone can probably help you out.
> -Jim Stapleton
> On 3/31/07, Anders Troback <freebsd at troback.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > anyone knows how to make a PVR-350 (0x75) card work with the pvrxxx
> > port?
> >
> > I have it working with an older PVR-350 but the picture (in
> > WinTV2000 in Windows) is much better with this newer card!
> >
> > Thanks for listening!!!
> >
> >
> > \\troback
> >

Hi and thanks for your answer!

I know that there are a pvr-250 port and that the PVR-350 belongs to
that but if I understand usleepless right so are the new pvrxxx port
really a xxx port and the only way to go if you are aiming for MythTV!


How many Microsoft employees does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None, they declare darkness a new standard.
Anders Trobäck

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