Can't compile kernel with snd_RELENG_5_20051022_055.diff

Ales ales.rom at
Sun Oct 30 10:45:59 PST 2005

Ariff Abdullah wrote:

>On Sun, 30 Oct 2005 18:54:57 +0100
>Ales <ales.rom at> wrote:
>>Works great, thank you.
>>I have another audio related question. The problem is that I can't 
>>control master volume in KDE.  (KDE 3.4.0) Actually I can, but with
>>pcm,  not vol slider. Volume control in the system tray is not
>>affecting the  sound, because controls volume, not the pcm on this
>>box. Kmix shows pcm,  speaker, rec as output devices, other 5 are
>>input devices. Is this right?
>>I hope, that this is not just KDE related problem? Any suggestions?
>This is much expected, since yours is CMI9761. This and few others
>don't have internal master and pcm mixer controller. Your pcm mixer
>controller is actually emulated through feeder_volume. You have to
>live with it :)
>Maybe you can set Kmix controller preferences to point to pcm
>controller instead of master controller, much like xmms.
>Ariff Abdullah
> (IPv6/IPv4)
> (IPv6/IPv4)
> (IPv6/IPv4)
I will try to "redirect" master volume to pcm. In the mean time I will 
live with it :-)

Thanks again.


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