ffmpeg doesn't record sound from WinTV.

Steve O'Hara-Smith steve at sohara.org
Fri Dec 30 03:00:41 PST 2005

On Thu, 29 Dec 2005 20:24:04 -0800
Jacob Meuser <jakemsr at jakemsr.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 29, 2005 at 01:39:21PM +0100, Frank J. Beckmann wrote:
> > Moin,

> > ffmpeg records sound from outher devices. So I guess that it doesn't tell the 
>                                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > TV card to send the audio stream to it's line out. ffmpeg has the only really 
>   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> no, bktr(4) always does that.  it is only possible to select the inputs.
> all outputs are enabled when the tuner is unmuted (which happens by default
> when the tuner is open()'d).

	Yes that should be the case - but ffmpeg will emit an error message
if opening the tuner fails and that error message is not present.

> do you hear audio when you run the above ffmpeg command?  if so, then the
> problem is solely with the audio grabbing, not bktr.  make sure your mixer
> is set right.

	The mixer settings originally posted look correct to me (assuming
the plug really is in line and not line1 or something silly like that).

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