Followup to DVD Burning question

Arne Wörner arne_woerner at
Wed Apr 13 04:54:05 PDT 2005

--- Søren Schmidt <sos at> wrote:
> Arne Wörner wrote:
> > That's how I do backups with a DVD-RW:
> >   tar cf - ... | dd of=/dev/acd0 obs=32k conv=osync
> > 
> > Unluckily my DVD-RW's cannot be used for UFS with my
> > burner... I do not know why.
> DVD-RW doesn't quite cut it for UFS, you need DVD+RW media for
> that.
Why? I can read and write the same block of a DVD-RW round robin.
I mean:
> dd if=a of=/dev/acd0 bs=32k count=1 oseek=10
> dd if=/dev/acd0 of= /dev/null bs=32k count=1 iseek=10
> dd if=b of=/dev/acd0 bs=32k count=1 oseek=10
> dd if=/dev/acd0 of= /dev/null bs=32k count=1 iseek=10
> dd if=c of=/dev/acd0 bs=32k count=1 oseek=10
> dd if=/dev/acd0 of= /dev/null bs=32k count=1 iseek=10
This looks just like a hard disc to me...

If the answer would be too complicated, I withdraw my question


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