Play/Edit MIDI

Conrad Sabatier conrads at
Wed May 19 19:56:08 PDT 2004

On 20-May-2004 Tuc at Beach House wrote:
> Hi,
>       ALL I want to do is take this MIDI I have, cut the first few 
> seconds off it, and raise the volume on it as far as I can. 
>       I loaded midimountain, and it can't find any MIDI inputs.
>       I loaded rosegarden, and I can't figure out how to get it to
> play the results.... I can't figure out csound, I can't find xplaymidi...

You have to install timidity(++) and tell rosegarden to use it as its external
player.  Kinda sucks, but I don't know of a better alternative at the moment.

Oh, for the good old days of Voxware with real MIDI!

Conrad Sabatier <conrads at> - "In Unix veritas"

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