UT2004 sound problem

Mathew Kanner mat at cnd.mcgill.ca
Wed Mar 31 09:39:32 PST 2004

On Mar 31, Karel J. Bosschaart wrote:
> Hi,
> Got my UT2004 DVD yesterday :-), but I have a problem with the sound:
> it plays too slow, which makes the game unplayable. This is on -stable
> (as of today). Relevant messages (other lines omitted) from UT2004:
> fcntl: No such device or address
> ioctl SETFRAGMENT: Invalid argument
> <snip>
> native_blitbuffer: select error occured
> <snip>
> the last message occurs when exiting UT2004. The process ut2004-bin
> is stuck in 'pcmsyn' state and I have to kill it. 
> In -current (same machine) sound is OK, and I only get the 'fcntl' message.
> The sound in both UT2003 and UT2004 demo is working well on -stable. 
> Things I tried:
> - using my second sound card: same problem.
> - copying openal.so from UT2003 and UT2004 demo to UT2004: no error
>   messages anymore, but also no sound.
> - this obscure sequence makes the sound work properly:
>   1. reboot machine
>   2. start UT2004 demo, and quit after watching the intro
>   3. start UT2004. Now the sound is OK... 
> Since the game has the tendency to crash quite often (once in 2 hours or 
> so), I have to do this all over again because I found no other way to
> get the sound right after the game crashed.
> I'm going to try the OSS commercial driver (it helped me often with
> sound problems in Linux games) but I prefer to use the pcm driver.

	I notice that you don't mention the sound card type.  Also, I
would suggest that you play with enabling, disabling vchans and see if
it helps.  After that, you can try some patches that are floating
around that limit the fragment size.


	Any idiot can face a crisis; it is this day-to-day living
	that wears you out.
			- Chekhov

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