FreeBSD HAM (Amateur Radio) ports

Marco Molteni molter at
Tue May 27 01:05:12 PDT 2003

[blind CC to freebsd-questions; please reply to freebsd-multimedia]

Kjell Midtseter wrote [2003-05-27]:


> > > FreeBSD-multimedia is probably not the best place to discuss this.
> > > There used to be a ham-bsd list at that I think is now
> > > defunct.  Is there enough interest to resurrect it?
> > 
> > I would be interested.
> >
> I will put in another wote for it!
> 73s de Kjell (LA3SG/EA7AVP)

Although I am not an ham, I have always been interested.  If you
create such a ML, please post an announce on several fbsd mailing
lists, so that people interested can know about it.



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