Fwd: Portable MP3 players

Conrad Sabatier conrads at cox.net
Tue Jun 24 04:44:49 PDT 2003

On 22-Jun-2003 Louis A. Mamakos wrote:
> FYI,
> I recently got an iRiver iFP-390T MP3 player device.  (For more 
> information, see http://www.iriver.com for the details.)  By default,
> this device connects to a Windoze system and uses their "manager"
> application to load files, etc.  They also have an alternative version of
> firmware that you can download (called "UMS") that has the device
> appear to be a generic USB storage device.  It works without any
> quirks or changes with FreeBSD-4.8.  You must mount it as an
> MSDOS filesystem and off you go.
> I got mine in the US at Best Buy.  (256MB for US$200.00)
> louie

Sounds good.  Just one question: do you need Windows to download the
alternate firmware?

Conrad Sabatier <conrads at cox.net> - "In Unix veritas"

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