cdparanoia port and SCSI CD

Alexander Kabaev ak03 at
Mon Jun 23 07:11:57 PDT 2003

On Sun, 22 Jun 2003 15:40:07 +0200
Zahemszky GАbor <Gabor at> wrote:

> Hi!
> Are there anybody out there, who can use the cdparanoia port with a
> SCSI CD-ROM?  I've got a Toshiba, and a Yamaha CD-ROM on an Adaptec
> controller, but neither the Toshiba, nor the Yamaha works with
> cdparanoia.  (I can grab with tosha/cdda2wav.)

Have you tried passing /dev/cd0 (i.e. no 'c' compatibility slice) to
cdparanoia? I tried to use grip on my SCSI drives and it coinsistently
failed with a similar messages with ???c devices but worked fine with
slice letter omitted.

Other than than, everything seems to work fine.
Alexander Kabaev

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