Fwd: Portable MP3 players

Conrad Sabatier conrads at cox.net
Sun Jun 22 12:10:57 PDT 2003

On 22-Jun-2003 Jason Andresen wrote:
>> I was in Radio Shack the other day, and inquired with one of the
>> salesmen about their portable MP3 players (neither of them RIOs).  As
>> he explained it, once connected to a PC, they appear as a standard
>> external USB storage device.  Is this correct?  If so, does that mean
>> one could simply 'cp' files over to the device and have them actually
>> work?
> That sounds good, although it is possible that you have to install some 
> windows specific driver to get that to work.

Yes, that's one of the things I'm worried about.  :-)

> In FreeBSD you're might to have to make a quirk for it (most likely the 
> no_6_byte quirk in my experiance) unless someone else in FreeBSD land 
> already bought one of them.

I'm not familiar with the "no_6_byte quirk" thing.  Is this a known common
problem with these machines?

I'm fairly adept at hacking, so I'm sure I could work up something, as long
as I know what I'm targeting.

> Either way, I'd keep the recipt in case you can't get it to work.

For sure.  :-)

Conrad Sabatier <conrads at cox.net> - "In Unix veritas"

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