The latest WINE and /dev/mixer*

Gerald Pfeifer gerald at
Sun Dec 28 04:46:25 PST 2003

On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, Mathew Kanner wrote:
>> That way we cannot even use autoconf to detect support for the
>> SOUND_MIXER_INFO ioctl; why do we pretent to support something
>> which we actually don't?
>	I can see good arguments both ways.  My instinct says to have
> all the IOCTLs that are defined in other OSes oss support and let the
> app decide what to do.  I could be persuaded otherwise.

Hmm, I can see this point as well.  OTOH, properly written applications
check return values/error codes after invoking ioctl-s, and then will bail
out when encountering such a dummy (as was the case with Wine).

> 	I really like it.  Adding support for SOUND_MIXER_INFO isn't
> hard work, it's grunt work to that touches most drivers.  It might
> turn up soon :)

Even better. :-)

> 	I think that [patch] would be great.  Hopefully, they can take
> the ifdef FreeBSD out.

I submitted the patch with the #ifdef (to increase the change of
acceptance <g>), but offered an alternate patch without the #ifdef.

Gerald Pfeifer (Jerry)   gerald at

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