Help Wanted - Work with MSFT and help finish the port of .NET Core to FreeBSD
Tomas Weinfurt
Tomas.Weinfurt at
Wed Jun 20 04:38:41 UTC 2018
If anybody wants to help, it would be great to look at
There is guy working on getting PowerShell working on FreeBSD. (#18067)
We got to point where we have semi-working SDK and I'm looking at msbuild problem related to named pipes.
Aside from that, this round looks somewhat promising.
I made some progress on updating source-build as well as with some caveats it is possible to run Linux SDK under Linux64 emulation.
On 11/8/17, 11:00 PM, "owner-freebsd-mono at on behalf of Russell Haley" <owner-freebsd-mono at on behalf of russ.haley at> wrote:
On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 10:15 AM, David Naylor <naylor.b.david at> wrote:
> On Wednesday, 27 September 2017 22:02:43 Russell Haley wrote:
>> +1
>> I threw some comments on the open issues.
> Hi
> I hope the porting of .NET Core has been progressing. I must apologise, I
> have dropped the ball on updating mono. This will come with a working version
> of msbuild which I am sure would be helpful in the porting process.
> I'm slowly picking up the mono porting work on my side, and hope to get
> something committed in the next few weeks.
> Do you perhaps have an update on your side?
> Regards
> David
Hi David,
Tomas has been working dilligently over the last couple of weeks, but
I have been in limbo with no computer and no time until a few days
ago. The changes Tomas is making have been integrated into the head
repos and I am attempting to build from that using the instructions
provided on the dotnetcore wiki.
Nothing I am doing is unique. Anyone can pull corefx and coreclr repos
and follow along in the instructions.
I was able to get everything to build on Windows last night, and have
the SDK (corefx) built on FreeBSD. The runtime (coreclr) is failing in
some sections of the test code. I forwarded my errors but have not
gotten back to them yet. I am currently fighting with virtualbox to
try and get shared folders working. It looks like I need to rebuild my
guest additions from ports. Nothing for free my friend. XD
I sincerely would like to help again with the Mono build but finding
time will be difficult. I'd like to unburden you from the Mono 5 port
so you can play on DNC! As soon as I have confirmed Tomas' build and
finish a step in an unrelated project
(, I will get back to your port
(unless someone else can step in).
Glad to here from you,
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