Boring TLS support for Mono - pull request

Russell Haley russ.haley at
Mon Feb 26 17:19:01 UTC 2018

Sorry for the top post,

Hi Allessandro,

FreeBSD doesn't really support git pull requests. We use SVN and a
review board, as well as bugzilla for reporting issues.

David Naylor is the one that is patching Mono. I was helping validate
the builds but I don't have much time right now as I'm changing jobs.
Have you used the FreeBSD Phabricator website before? it's found here:

Davids issue tracker is here:

I know someone else has mentioned interest is patching but I don't
know if it went anywhere.

The reason I mention Davids issue tracker is that's the best way to
get your work reviewed and into the FreeBSD tree. However, using
Davids Diffs requires knowing about "porting", which is a handbook
unto itself here:

A possible alternative is to speak to David and fork Davids work on
Github. Then you could create a pull request to one of his work in
progress Mono branches?

Sorry I can't be more help right now.



On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 4:24 AM, Alessandro Viganò <alvistar at> wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for double posting, I was not aware this was a mailing list.
> I made some patches to compile Boring TLS.
> How can I create a pull request?
> Thanks,
> Alessandro
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