Suggestions for USES=mono

Romain Tartière romain at
Tue Oct 18 10:55:35 UTC 2016


On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 08:28:42AM +0200, David Naylor wrote:
> I would like to suggest the following arguments be added to USES=mono:
>  1) nuget: to implement the nuget packaging code currently in lang/fsharp.  
> This will allow for easier building of ports that have nuget dependencies.  
> Existing users: lang/fsharp
>  2) lib: mark a port as using native libraries (aka installs files in lib/*).  
> Without this a port will be marked as NO_ARCH=yes.  Existing users: x11-
> toolkits/gtk-sharp20 toolkits/gtk-sharp30
>  3) build/run: mark a port as requiring mono to build or run, but is not a 
> .Net port (i.e. it does not install .dll or .exe files).  Thus, NO_ARCH is not 
> set.  (I'm not sure if this argument is actually required, as yet).  

Nice.  I guess that the default

USES+=	mono

would be equivalent to:

USES+=	mono:build:run

While here, you may also want to have a look to the following PR for
which I have no clue:

I would be happy to test stuff,

Romain Tartière <romain at>
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