maintaining ports and mono

Mathieu Prevot mathieu.prevot at
Thu Jun 16 19:54:03 UTC 2016

2016-06-16 20:08 GMT+02:00 Russell Haley <russ.haley at>:

> Hi Mathieu,
> I have expressed interest in helping maintain mono on FreeBSD but have
> moved away due to lack of interest and support. Currently someone has
> ported more recent versions of Mono (Romain I think?), but MonoDevelop
> is somewhat out of date. I had patches to build MonoDevelop with
> Rolsyn but couldn't get the MonoDevelop github repos to work with
> FreeBSD ports so I gave up after multiple requests for help on both
> this mailing list and the FreeBSD forum.
> Other .Net things I'd like to see:
> - Ivan had some patches for kqueue issues, he passed them on to me but
> again, I have moved away from .net on FreeBSD
> - I would like to see a port of Pinta on FreeBSD
> ( because gimp makes me
> want to throw my computer
> - I once built and ran .Net Core and would like to see if that has
> progressed, perhaps put together a FreeBSD port for it. The ultimate
> goal in my mind is to update MonoDevelop to use .net Core
> - Porting and testing and MVC to FreeBSD
> - Testing the latest mono on FreeBSD CURRENT for ARM
> I had also at one point seen a possible business model helping clients
> get their .net software off of Windows to save $$$ and create
> resalable appliances, but that idea died on the vine.
> Ultimately, there are so many development options on FreeBSD, I moved
> to something that was better supported (lua), but I really really miss
> that big beautiful framework. I guess there's always Java, or Python,
> or Ruby... :(

There are many points here, from .NET to IDEs and business.

IMHO having .NET framework work is good, APS.NET too.
Ultimately, having WPF too would be amazing. I'm planing to probe this with
the WPF team.
There is request on UserVoice (Microsoft interface for feedback and
features requests) of opening WPF sources, which is possible.
Microsoft recent policy is to make Windows the #1 platform for software
development, and have GNU tools work natively in Windows.
Their Azure platform now supports FreeBSD 10.3 VM.
Despite everything, they will want probably to make sure Windows still have
competitive advantages, making the WPF and not that likely to be

Historically and to my knowledge, GNU/Linux was used for desktop at Google,
and FreeBSD rather for servers. Having FreeBSD a stronger dev platform is
questionable and might require a lot of energy/time/effort from the

Have you tried java/javaFX/openGL ?


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