LOCAL/foo with prebuilt binaries vs. nuget vs. packaging separately

Jan Beich jbeich at FreeBSD.org
Wed May 13 18:08:50 UTC 2015

games/openra upstream stopped shipping third-party *.dll dependencies
within distfile and instead provieds a script which calls nuget. We don't
have a port for nuget nor a USES facility to handle anything other than
fetch(1)-like tool.

Packaging the mono libraries is possible but there're 11 of which only 1
is already available: devel/newtonsoft-json. It's also complicated by
AssemblyKeyFile sometimes not being provided by upstream. The key cannot
be generated within Makefile as it affects GAC hash used in install path.
And I'm not sure if signing with dowstream key is a good idea.


Do you have better ideas?

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