ports/175518: lang/mono is not configured correctly when building

Romain Tartière romain at blogreen.org
Mon Feb 4 21:50:02 UTC 2013

The following reply was made to PR ports/175518; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Romain =?iso-8859-1?Q?Tarti=E8re?= <romain at blogreen.org>
To: Jack Pappas <jack.pappas at tidepowerd.com>
Cc: bug-followup at freebsd.org
Subject: Re: ports/175518: lang/mono is not configured correctly when building
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2013 22:46:09 +0100

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 On Mon, Feb 04, 2013 at 04:05:17PM -0500, Jack Pappas wrote:
 > According to the Mono README
 > (https://github.com/mono/mono/blob/master/README), the autogen.sh is only
 > needed when building from a snapshot; for official tarballs (like the one
 > used in the lang/mono port), it's not.
 > However, the reason I wanted to use autogen.sh was because after I'd
 > patched the configure.in file (and added the patch to the 'files'
 > directory), I found that when I ran "make install clean", the patch
 > wouldn't work -- Mono would still compile correctly, but it would still
 > use the pthread API for thread-local storage (TLS) instead of the __thread
 > qualifier. It was only after changing the makefile to call autogen.sh that
 > Mono compiled successfully and used the __thread TLS.
 The 'configure' script is generated by the autotools from the
 'configure.in' file.  So modifying the 'configure.in' file require you
 to run all the autotools chain to regenerate the 'configure' script
 before continuing.  This is the reason you had to run 'autogen.sh'.
 When the mono folks release a new mono tarball, they include the generated
 'configure' script in it so we have to either patch 'configure.in' and re-r=
 the whole autotools chain, or patch the generated 'configure' which avoids =
 all the mess that commes with the autotools if we have to change something
 > You said you were able to build lang/mono by just patching the configure
 > script -- did you also install it after building? If so, you can run "mono
 > -V" to see what kind of thread-local storage Mono was compiled with. If
 > your installation of Mono is using the __thread TLS, then let's use your
 > method of patching just the 'configure' file.
 I get:
  JIT compiler version 3.0.3 (tarball Mon Feb  4 14:30:00 CET 2013)
 Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Novell, Inc, Xamarin Inc and Contributors. www.mono=
 	TLS:           __thread
 	SIGSEGV:       normal
 	Notification:  kqueue
 	Architecture:  amd64
 	Disabled:      none
 	Misc:          softdebug=20
 	LLVM:          supported, not enabled.
 	GC:            Included Boehm (with typed GC and Parallel Mark)
 which is what you are expecting, right ?  Then I guess I can commit this
 Romain Tarti=E8re <romain at blogreen.org>        http://romain.blogreen.org/
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