Tomboy 1.4.0 panel applet

KB N kbn00 at
Wed Oct 6 13:33:06 UTC 2010


Since upgrading to Tomboy 1.4.0 on my FreeBSD 8.1-STABLE amd 64 / Gnome 2.30.2 box, 
the panel applet of Tomboy disappered. I asked about this problem on the FreeBSD forum, and
got the following answer from sandy (

"File a bug with your packager.  Panel applet is disabled by default in 
1.4.0, and must be enabled at build time with --enable-panel-applet .

This change was made because GNOME panel applets are becoming obsolete 
in the upcoming GNOME 3.0.  Don't worry, we, the upstream Tomboy 
developers, still fully support use of Tomboy through the GNOME panel 

It would be good to mention this change in UPDATING or some CHANGELOG file in the port. 




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