mono 2.6 port

Romain Tartière romain at
Thu Jan 7 18:09:54 UTC 2010


On Thu, Jan 07, 2010 at 12:03:43PM +0100, Bert Moorthaemer wrote:
> I don't know if I'm at the right address here, but I'd like to know if the
> latest version of mono (2.6.1) will be available in the ports tree soon. I
> have a big project using mono and I'm in need of some new features
> introduced in 2.6. I know that you probably will get a lot of these requests
> and I understand totally if you don't reply ...

mono-2.6.1 is in the BSD# Repository.  However in spite of the
regression test suite passing, I saw that the new managed debugger
introduced in mono core does not run...  I would like to have it working
if possible before pushing mono to the main tree.  Unfortunately, I am
running out of time right now, and will probably not have a second for
looking at it in the next week.


Romain Tartière <romain at>
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