Portshaker: feature request

Romain Tartière romain at blogreen.org
Thu Mar 12 03:30:50 PDT 2009

Hi Phillip
On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 08:43:36PM -0300, Phillip Neumann wrote:
> Im portshaking in a cron, so i was thinking about a flag like "-- 
> force=install" one could pass to portshaker, so it does not wait for  
> user input to work ("unatended mode")
Well, you can skip these messages by appending an exclamation mark after
the source ports tree name in your xxx_merge_from variable (see

As an example, I used to have this in my conf:
tb_bsdsharp_trunk_gnome_merge_from="freebsd mc_ports_stable! mc_ports! bsdsharp"

It is however possible to specify some sort of force option if this does
not fits your needs ;-)


Romain Tartière <romain at blogreen.org>        http://romain.blogreen.org/
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