laptops for FreeBsd

Ian Smith smithi at
Thu Mar 26 12:24:50 UTC 2015

On Wed, 25 Mar 2015 21:12:47 -0700, Adrian Chadd wrote:

 > Hi!
 > I started trying to document them on the FreeBSD wiki:
 > There are quite a few there to choose from. Each link should have some
 > information about what's supported and not supported.

Yes this is the best public resource.  Many of the Lenovo T and X series 
there are well supported, mostly because they're often owned by FreeBSD 
developers or 'power users'.

Regarding what stefan said about problems moving from a working T530 to 
a not-so working yet T540, it's a reminder that using the very latest 
models may involve adventures you'd rather not bother having, at least 
until you have a stable machine doing whatever you want it to do.

Developers go for latest kit because, well, they have an insatiable urge 
to encounter problems and overcome them :) but many users will do better 
with slightly older laptops, like already well-tested superceded models, 
still coming with full warranty and usually with a hefty discount.

It really depends on how close to the bleeding edge you want to travel!

cheers, Ian

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