STABLE/9 SMP ACPI suspend/resume - video mode not being restored

Adrian Chadd adrian at
Fri May 25 03:46:04 UTC 2012


I'm toying with the SMP/i386 ACPI suspend/resume patches in -9. Thanks
so much for this!

I've noticed though that the video backlight stays off after resume. A
common problem on -9, so I set hw.acpi.reset_video=1. That restores
the backlight.

However, the video mode isn't restored. I have my console set to
VGA_80x60 and the resume seems to set it up "wrong". I get half or so
of each line displayed.

A vidcontrol VGA_80x60 restores things to proper working order.

Is there a shortcoming somewhere in syscons/ACPI video restore on -9
that doesn't properly restore the configured mode?

Thanks again for all your hard work! Now that you've done that, I'll
go off and work on fixing up ath(4) suspend/resume for PCI devices. :)


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