iwi connect problems in 9.0-CURRENT

martinko gamato at users.sf.net
Tue Dec 22 23:21:33 UTC 2009

Paul B Mahol wrote:
> On 11/23/09, Rui Paulo<rpaulo at freebsd.org>  wrote:
>> On 22 Nov 2009, at 23:39, michael brindle wrote:
>>> So, my questions are:
>>> Why is txpower set to 0, what does that mean? That it can't transmit at
>>> all?
>> No, it could just  be that the driver is providing wrong tx power
>> information.
> No, because regdomain is not set txpower is always reported to be 0.
> iwi driver doesn't have TXPMGT cap (looks to be bug), so you can not set
> txpower at all because net80211 thinks it is not supported.

I can confirm that "the bug" is also in 8.0-RELEASE and that on 6.x 
txpower was non-zero (100 IIRC).

Also, I'm seeing other issues ...

1) During boot wireless interface is too slow to associate and I'm 
seeing connection errors from other programs (e.g. ntpd).  This was not 
the case with 6.x releases.

2) The following began appearing in the system log:
kernel: iwi0: need multicast update callback

Also wpa_supplicant(8) generates quite a lot of messages (it did none 
before).  Some of them seems interesting while others not (to me).

I hope someone will fix the issues (although they're not critical).

With regards,


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