I would appreciate an opinion from someone with internal network wireless voice and data experience

eculp eculp at encontacto.net
Mon May 12 15:56:15 UTC 2008

I am in the process of helping a a very progressive company change  
from windows to FreeBSD with both their servers and all or as many of  
their workstations as possible (we have some government form handling  
problems) and have hit an unusual problem.

They have just remolded an old construction with 100% masonry wall  
(brick and/or concrete) and contracted 100% wireless data and  
telephone installations. Now that the remodulation is finished, and as  
soon as work starts, the network saturates.
They have installed approx 15 wifi repeaters for telephones and 10 for  
datos.  They are using two different access points but both on a  
192.168.1/24 network.

My questions are:
   1. Wouldn't using the same subnet be the same and using the same
      wire that that would allow voice/telephones to saturate and
      slow down the data even though the master AP's are separate?

   2. Wouldn't there be channel interference between the aprox 25
      repeaters be common?

   3. If I were to remove all there equipment (APs repeaters, etc.)
      an install 2 AP's in the center of the offices with a watt or
      better output and a high gain antenna on each with using separate
      networks. 172.16.1/24 for datos and leave 192.168.1/24 for
      telephones have a chance at success and if so could you estimate
      how much.

I'm asking this because this is the first time I have seen anyone  
trying to do a 100% wireless office and the idea is cool but only if  
it works;)

More general information:

The individual workstations will be running freebsd or maybe one of  
the pc versions.  I haven't tried them.  Initially there will be about  
25 of them so they could be used as repeaters, I guess.

The reason for the type of construction and the disregard for FCC on  
output is that I'm not in the US.

The telephone equipment is linksys SPA941 that I don't find in there  
page anymore.  Maybe it was discontinued for technical reasons.   
Haven't checked that yet.

If this doesn't work the solution is to wire all that is not that easy  
or inexpensive now the the remodeling is completed.

Thanks for any ideas.


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